What information does the analysis of kidney stones contribute to diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones?

“It is fundamental...the urologist receives key information, both for determining the focus of possible analytical studies on the patient and for possible treatment.”
19th National Meeting of the Kidney Stones, Endourology, Laparoscopy and Robotics Groups AEU Palma de Mallorca, 24-25 January 2019
Prof. Félix Grases

Head of the Renal Lithiasis Research Laboratory in the University Illes Balears


What does theobromine contribute?

“In patients at risk of forming uric acid stones, theobromine makes it difficult for uric acid crystals to unite in urine and form a stone.”
19th National Meeting of the Kidney Stones, Endourology, Laparoscopy and Robotics Groups AEU Palma de Mallorca, 24-25 January 2019
Dr. José Ramon Cansino

Head of Lithotrispy and Endourology Unit at Hospital la Paz (Madrid)


Surgical techniques have advanced in urology in general and in kidney stones specifically. We are starting to see alternatives at level of medical management.

“We had quite forgotten about medical treatment of kidney stones to prevent their recurrence.”
19th National Meeting of the Kidney Stones, Endourology, Laparoscopy and Robotics Groups AEU Palma de Mallorca, 24-25 January 2019
Dr. Carlos Torrecilla

National lithiasis coordinator of the AEU (Spanish Urology Association), head of the lithiasis unit of Bellvitge Hosp. (Barcelona)


To what extent can the ability to know and monitor urinary pH be beneficial for kidney stone disease?

“Any change in the urinary pH will affect crystallisation in the solubility of the components of the urine.”
19th National Meeting of the Kidney Stones, Endourology, Laparoscopy and Robotics Groups AEU Palma de Mallorca, 24-25 January 2019
Dr. Joan Benejam

Head of the Urology Service at Hospital de Manacor (Mallorca)


What tools does the clinical urologist have today?

“At the present moment we are in a stage of transition of the medicine where we are going to move to a personalices precision medicine.”
LXXXIII National Congress of the Spanish Urological Association
Dr. Alberto Budía

Head of Lithotrispy and Endourology Unit at la Fe Hospital (Valencia)


What advantages would you highlight in the management and prevention of renal lithiasis?

“The new concepts on pH management will surely mean a change in the diagnosis and treatments of our patients.”
LXXXIII National Congress of the Spanish Urological Association
Dr. Juan Manuel López

Lithiasis Unit, urology Department, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona


Are there more or less ureteral stones?

“The incidence and prevalence are increasing.”
LXXXIII National Congress of the Spanish Urological Association
Dr. José Amón

Head of the Urology Service at Hospital Río Hortega (Valladolid)


Can the control of pH and inhibition of crystallisation help in the case of complications related to infection?

“Controlling the pH can reduce the incidence or delay the appearance of the biofilm and encrustations on which germs are deposited.”
LXXXIII National Congress of the Spanish Urological Association
Dr. Daniel Pérez

Head Endourology Unit in the University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela


How important is the control of urinary pH in clinical practice?

“In recent years, we have learned to value how the action of alkaline or acid urine influences the formation of urinary lithiasis.”
LXXXIII National Congress of the Spanish Urological Association
Dr. Carlos Torrecilla

National lithiasis coordinator of the AEU (Spanish Urology Association), head of the lithiasis unit of Bellvitge Hosp. (Barcelona)


Advances in the medical treatment of lithiasis.

“We can only understand these innovations if we review psychopathological concepts at the origin of this calculus which nowadays, they are more and more current.”
LXXXIII National Congress of the Spanish Urological Association
Advances in the medical treatment of lithiasis.

Dr. J.M López Martínez, urologist at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona


The importance of pH control in frequent urology pathology.

“Urinary pH oscillates between 5.5 and 6.2 in most of the population.”
The importance of pH control in frequent urologic disorders
Dr. Carlos Torrecilla

National lithiasis coordinator of the AEU (Spanish Urology Association), head of the lithiasis unit of Bellvitge Hosp. (Barcelona)


New tools and clinical management in the adherence to treatment for patients with renal lithiasis.

“When we succeed in achieving the objective of a well-informed patient, the patient makes a commitment with the doctor.”
New tools and handling of adherence to treatment in renal lithiasis
Dr. Alberto Budia

Section head of the lithotripsy unit of Hosp. de la Fe (Valencia)


Renal lithiasis: A metabolic disease. Types, treatment and prevention.

“Increasingly, more studies are demonstrating that being overweight is related to the incidence of renal lithiasis.”
Renal lithiasis, a metabolic illness
Dr. Oriol Angerri

Renal Lithiasis Unit,Fundació Puigvert de Barcelona
